Saturday, August 13, 2005

Our Hero Returns

Hello Friends and Lovers,

I have returned to the fair city of Montreal. Instead of being surrounded by Hebrew speaking Ultra-Orthodox Jews, I am now back in my comfort zone of being surrounded by Yiddish speaking Ultra-Orthodox Jews. Aah, home.

Gosh, the past 6 weeks have been pretty packed. I don't even know if a blog is the proper format to explain the events that have transpired. Hmm, quick sum up will do I guess...

It was 136 kids versus 18 adults. We fought bravely, but in the end they won.

But seriously, my summer was filled with yelling at stupid kids, laughing at funny kids, laughing at stupid kids, and playing with new friends. Unfortunately, my new friends are now essentially gone forever. The Israelis that I met were all wonderful people, but I am in Israel very seldom, and when I am in Israel, I almost never have time to travel to see my friends. So after 6 intense weeks of working and living with these peeps, I have unilaterally disengaged my life from theirs.

Its actually quite painful. To temper the pain, I luckily am returning to a wonderful situation of living with the person I love the most and spending copious amounts of time with her. But in the hullaballoo of the ending of such a large program, I have found myself unable to find the time to properly emote. Furthermore, the aforementioned emoting will lose much of its meaning when not shared with those I am emoting for. Sending emails and making phone calls doesn't quite cut it, and moreover I am sucky at that kind of contact.

So was it a good experience: duh. Am I sad its over: double duh. Am I happy to be home: triple duh (you didn't think there was a triple, did you?). These feelings are all fighting one another and I am left confused and hungry. I will now go eat...and thank the Lord it won't be hummus!


Anonymous said...

good to have you back!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back Cotter!