Friday, August 19, 2005

Photo of the Day

This is an alright picture of a camel ride we all took in the desert. I was basically just holding the camera over my shoulder and this is one of the best shots I got. It was a really fun ride, except for the fact that it hurt my testicles an incredible amount. I have never really experienced that much testicular pain, it hurt for literally hours afterwards. My camel in particular was walking weird, he kept kicking, which I'm sure wasn't helping the genital situation.

The ride was cool, we were led by a couple Bedouins. They were definitely smoking pot while they were leading, and the kids were definitely aware of that and asking questions as to how legit the whole operation was.

To be truthful, the operation was not that legit. Israel has a tendency to showcase their happier minorities. That night we stayed at "Bedouin tents" and were hosted by Bedouins who fed us and entertained us. It was cool, but unfortunately very hokey. The whole things is owned and operated by a Jewish company, and the Bedouins don't really live there, they just work there to entertain Jewish tourists. The guy who was the head honcho was using the opportunity to sell his CD, and he made one too many jokes about his robe being made in China.

Its sad that we couldn't really experience Bedouin life. They aren't happy people who play music all day and eat lavish meals. They are the poorest of the poor who live in tin houses and roam the desert as shepherds. Of course, not all of them are like this, but I believe the majority are. I don't know how feasible or smart it is to expose 16 year olds to this life is, especially when they are in Israel mostly to have fun and get booty. At the same time, I don't know how right it is to essentially lie and show a fake lifestyle. Israel is just full of these interesting dilemmas.

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