Friday, August 19, 2005

Odd Duck, That One


Weird. I didn't post yesterday and yet I had nothing to do to keep me from posting. I literally did nothing all day. I didn't even leave the house! I meant to post but I didn't.

Anyway, enough posting about posting.

Today I briefly toyed with the idea of moving home in December after I finish school. My parents have decided to cut me off officially, so I need money to live starting right around then. I figure it would be a nice choice for a while because food and rent would immediately be covered, and so all my work would go immediately into savings.

I don't know why I feel the need to expound on the benefits of living at home, its not a very novel idea. It also would be fun because I have a lot of friends in the MD area who I have pretty much lost contact with, and I would be interested in rekindling the friendships.

Unfortunately, the cons are as such: it means I have to live at home...which is bleh-ish, there is no car for me there, and Lindsey would not have as good a time as I would. So, its an option, but I don't know how likely.

Also, I am looking for a job for the fall, but I don't know if I really want just a time wasting job like a counter-worker at a store, or a professor-helper. I've never really had one of those jobs, and I feel like I might want a job where I can really apply myself. Unfortunately, those jobs are tougher to find and get, especially when I can only legally work on campus.

So my life is full of open ended options that need to be figured out. Hopefully in a month or so my blog will be full of posts about my great decisions.

Oh, I forgot to ask my Dad about Wham-O.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should try the MD thing, it's going pretty good for me. And then we can hangout in MoGoCo together!