Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Frisbee Frees Me


I played Frisbee today for the first time in a while. I love Frisbee. It is the only sport I am any good at, and for that I thank it. Now, you may be the kind of person that says, "Frisbee ain't no sport!" To you I say, "Watch out, I just threw a Frisbee at your dumb head."

Anyway, I love how you just toss this little piece of plastic and it flies. It cruises so peacefully through the air and hangs just at the right spot waiting for you to grab it. Its such a peaceful sight. It makes me want to be a Frisbee. I wouldn't even mind how dizzy I would get from spinning so much. In fact, it would be rather comical if a Frisbee that was dizzy started vomiting everywhere as it spun.

OK, another paragraph successfully ended with a childish joke. I also think its interesting how well a human body and mind is adapted to catching things. Its like there is a really good mathematician in everyone's head calculating exactly where your hand needs to be and when. Its freaking amazing that I can close my hand at the EXACT right moment to grab a moving Frisbee. Admittedly, I was pretty good at math in high school, but we had like an hour to figure out those problems, whereas catching is a split-second decision.

I find it weird that I capitalized Frisbee in every single instance. Its not as if I owe Wham-O Corp. money for using the word Frisbee...or maybe I do. Hm, my dad is a patent attorney, I'll ask him and get back to you guys. And girls. Folks, I'll just use the term folks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't "folks" a loaded term these days? My dad's friend went to the states and said, "I'm looking forward to working with you folks," and the workers assumed he was talking about black people. The whole issue was blown over by saying that he was a "crazy canadian".